Williamsburg's Local Florist
Luminous Charm
This delightful bouquet of Christmas flowers is artfully arranged in a charming red lantern vase with a silver handle. It doubles as a lovely candleholder for future holiday seasons!
Top products, hand picked by Morrisons Flowers | Williamsburg, Virginia Florist Delivery
Williamsburg's Local Florist
This delightful bouquet of Christmas flowers is artfully arranged in a charming red lantern vase with a silver handle. It doubles as a lovely candleholder for future holiday seasons!
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Illuminate the season with this vibrant Christmas bouquet, housed in a festive ceramic ornament jar adorned with sparkling stars and a glossy, hand-painted finish.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
This arrangement perfectly captures Winter in Williamsburg, Virginia!
'Tis the Season! Celebrate the holidays with this gorgeous cylinder filled with premium flowers including cymbidium orchids, hydrangeas, garden roses.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
This keepsake cardinal cup is brimming with winter greens, pinecones, red roses, white stock, and baby's breath.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
This modern, copper mule mug is brimming with winter greens, a cremone, spray roses, safari sunset, hypericum, and other seasonal blooms! Decorated with two bows and cinnamon sticks, this mug is not...
This modern arrangement features a cylinder filled with 5 white Hydrangeas and 8 Red Roses.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
A merry arrangement of the holiday seasons freshest flowers. Our designers will create a fresh Christmas-themed bouquet for your order.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
A large red poinsettia is delivered in a natural basket that is festively accented with a classic plaid bow. Order today for delivery starting Thursday, December 12th!
Williamsburg's Local Florist
A brilliant red poinsettia and assorted blooming plants and green plants, european-garden style, are nestled together for a holiday planter. These are made in-house! Baskets and vows vary, but will...
What Our Customers Are Saying
I love to send flowers and always try to use florists local to the recipients address. I've got several florists around the country. I always ask for a photo so I can see the quality of the work and decide if I want to continue using that florist or try another one. Morrison's Flowers & Gifts have my business for anyone in the Williamsburg area! I ordered 2 bouquets on the same day for 2 different people and they BOTH were outstanding! Some of the best I've ever seen.
Kate B.
Ordered online to deliver to my mom in another state & could not be happier! The arrangement was as pictured (see attached online & real life images) & the vase of good quality. She said the delivery man was very nice & described the arrangement as “a gorgeous bouquet of smiles.” The online process was very simple, I received a delivery confirmation email, & the flowers arrived a few hours after ordering. Will definitely use again. Highly recommend!
Stephanie G.
An absolutely stunning arrangement of flowers were delivered in time for my wife's birthday...I could not be more pleased with her gift and she was amazed!! Thank you and the online ordering and delivery were flawless...if I lived locally, you would definitely be my florist!!
Anil A.
Mom lives in VA and I am in CO, so finding a local & reliable shop was important since I couldn’t check on things myself. Website worked well and ordering was easy, and they emailed me once everything was delivered! Thanks for making Mother’s Day easy!
Madeline W.
The florals for our early-fall themed wedding were perfect! Our main contact was Arlene and her communication with us was so patient and timely. She handled all of our changes so sweetly and she hit the mark perfectly on our floral vision. The colors and flower selection were beautiful and arrived on time to the venue. So happy that we trusted Morrisons with our special day!
Chantelle M.